
Gone RAW - Day FOUR

My 30 Day RAW Challenge – Day 4

Breakfast – Green Smoothie (1 Bananas, 6 oz Berries, 1/2 C Coconut Water, 1/2 C Apple/Carrot Juice, 2 oz Spinach)
Morning Snack – In church
Lunch – Salad containing 2 oz Spinach, 1 Banana, 3 Orange Slices (no, not the candy!), 4 Strawberries
Afternoon Snack – 2 Homemade Raw Bars
Dinner – A plate full of the absolute best Mexican taco salad containing Spinach, Cilantro, Jalapeno, Onion, Tomatoes, Corn, Celery, Avocado, Orange Juice & Cilantro Lime Dressing Recipe can be found HERE.
Evening Snack – RAW Revolution Bar
Water – 40 ounces
Calories –  Prior to my dinner, which I am not sure what the calorie count was as I just made ONE huge portion for everyone in my family to enjoy my calories were right at 1,000
Fiber -  Before my HUGE Taco Salad my fiber count was 40 grams!
No formal exercise today
I won’t weigh or measure myself until Thursday, January 5, 2012
I am actually doing GREAT today!  I have a lot of energy and my cravings are going away.  I do WANT certain types of foods, but I’m not wanting to shove it down my throat like I have felt in the past.  Instead I am wondering how I am actually very satisfied.  I am pretty sure that the RAW lifestyle is not for me…not completely anyway.  However, I will say that I have realized there are some really great RAW recipes out there that I could enjoy just as much as I have cooked foods. 
My fingers felt swollen today…my rings fit a little snugger than normal.  Not sure what to think about that.  Overall I felt heavy, but I won’t know exactly if or how much my body has changed until this Thursday when I weigh.  I’m really feeling pretty good.  I definitely like feeling so energized and happy.
I loved making something for dinner that my ENTIRE family ate!  It was a total success...finally SIX out of SIX kids actually liked my dinner and it was something other than PIZZA! hahaha  Clean up...was a breeze! You can find this delicious recipe HERE.


  1. I'm glad you are having more energy and feeling better. Not sure what to make of the swelling though. I haven't had that. I do know that some vegetables have a higher sodium content than others (like say peppers and celery). Also, I'm not doing enemas so that could be a factor. Another thing to consider is an allergy. I've been adding one "out of the ordinary" food at a time. That way I know instantly what I'm reacting to. Like when I had the figs.

  2. Thanks! :) I'm only doing the enemas once a week. I won't do them again until after I weigh on Thursday :) Could have been celery since that was in my taco salad.
