
Gone RAW - Day SIX

My 30 Day RAW Challenge – Day 6

Breakfast –  Overslept and this meal had PASSED…
Morning Snack – Green Smoothie (2 Bananas, 6 oz Berries, 1/2 C Coconut Water, 1/2 C Apple/Carrot Juice, 2 oz Spinach)
Lunch – was still…..drinking the green smoothie
Afternoon Snack – 1 oz cashews
Dinner – A plate full of a RAW recipe that resembles Spanish Rice made of cauliflower, onion, pepper, cilantro, tomatoes and this delicious paste.  You can find the recipe HERE.
Evening Snack – so far not so hungry…but I may make myself eat a banana before bed?
Water – 40 ounces
Calories –  To be honest…this part is consuming WAY too much time.  I had originally thought if I could keep eating the same things then that would make it easier…but well, I like cooking and eating different flavors, PLUS I want to feed my family what I am eating too therefore I can’t keep up with the calories anymore.  I know one thing…I’m eating a lot more on this challenge than I ever have before and I’m a bit nervous for my weigh in on Thursday.  I’m hoping I haven’t gained! hahaha
No formal exercise today
I won’t weigh or measure myself until Thursday, January 5, 2012
I have done GREAT!  I couldn’t post yesterday because we weren’t home until very late last night and I was too tired to get on the computer.  My 10 month old daughter has been sick since yesterday too and so taking care of her has consumed a lot of my time.  She just wants to be held and I’m not going to argue with that…no way, no how. 
She woke me up at 6:30 this morning and I really could have stayed up because I didn’t feel sleepy at all.  So yes…I could have stayed up….I SHOULD have stayed up…but I didn’t.  My kids started back school today and I’ve been scrambling trying to keep up with their studies after this winter break.  Makes me long for the summers….
I haven’t felt swollen today, but I definitely need to be drinking more water.  I’m thinking that might have been my problem. 
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  1. I know it's difficult to track calories but I'm thinking they may be low. So glad you're feeling so well!

  2. Yes, I know they were this day for sure. We were up so late the night before and therefore I really slept late giving me less time to eat meals. I was soooo busy, this can easily keep me from grabbing something while in the kitchen. :) I'm gonna try to make sure and remedy this. Counting calories is about impossible for me during dinners because I am making one huge amount of whatever I cook for me therefore the whole family can share it. I know there is a way...there just isn't a will at this time. haha. I'm feeling very good...just gonna keep eating as well as I can and as much as I can.
