
Gone RAW - Day 10

My 30 Day RAW Challenge – Day 10

Breakfast –  Green Smoothie (2 Bananas, 6 oz Berries, 1/2 C Coconut Water, 1/2 C Apple/Carrot Juice, 3 oz Swiss Chard) & Hot Herbal Throat Coat Tea
Morning Snack – Date and Apricots
Lunch – Homemade RAW bar
Afternoon Snack – Oranges and Hot Herbal Throat Coat Tea
Dinner – A boxed Jason’s Deli sandwich, chips & cookie (YES, yes…I did.)
Evening Snack – Pineapple and Oranges
Water – 45ounces
No formal exercise today
I will not weigh again until Thursday, January 12th.  For my WEEK ONE RESULTS go HERE.
I went to bed feeling yucky last night and woke up feeling worse.  My ears are totally stopped up and I have a lot of nasal congestion.  I didn’t wake up during the night and managed to sleep for at least 10 hours.  My husband and I were supposed to go to a marriage class today at our church and because me and 3 of our 6 kids woke up with coughs, sneezing, runny noses etc…we decided to stay home because we didn’t want to get anyone else kids sick.  I didn’t have the energy to cook for everyone else and myself.  My hubby helped me out a lot but today was a “whatever was easy” day.  I did great until close to dinner when a friend brought us boxed meals from Jason’s Deli.  I didn’t have the energy to make something healthy for myself and had used my last smoothie ingredients this morning.  I went with the boxed lunch and avoided the bread and pickle but did not avoid the chips, meat or cookie.  I was soooo thankful to him for bringing my family food…it was so nice and completely appreciated!  I have a cold and I was hungry…  We had a whole box leftover so we took it to the elderly lady next door.  She’s so sweet.  She asked if we were the ones who had chickens in our backyard or was it one of her other neighbors?  We told her that it was in fact us and we hoped they didn’t bother her.  She said not at all, that she had grown up on a farm and likes them.  My husband went back with a dozen beautiful white, brown, tan, blue and green eggs and she was very pleased.  Here’s a pic of my beautiful girls!
 Today was not a total loss as I did really good all day…my energy is back tonight and I have already planned my meals tomorrow (smoothies pretty much all day).  It’s what was easy to prepare ahead of time in jars and it will take little or no effort (and my husband can blend them for me if necessary) in the event I wake up even more depleted than I did this morning.  He offered to make all the meals today, but I don’t give up that pleasure very easy.  I’m really stubborn and I enjoy cooking…I love to make food for my family…it’s my job and I feel like a slacker when I don’t.  I’m prepared for slackerness…is that a word?  I cooked them a casserole for tomorrow and there’s a couple leftover sandwiches.  For me…hot tea and smoothies. Here’s to feeling better tomorrow!   

How do you handle colds?  Do you get the munchies like me???

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